Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Week of September 7-11


I hope everyone had a wonderful, restful Labor Day weekend! :)

Please click HERE for the Katy ISD T.I.P (Technology Information for Parents) webpage! You will find instructional videos for a variety of Katy ISD applications, like Canvas, My Katy Cloud, Office 365, etc.



WRITING- Making Words due Friday
READING- Read & log 20 minutes each night; Review due Wednesday; TEST ON THURSDAY!
MATH- Review due Thursday; TEST ON FRIDAY!


READING- Read & log 20 minutes each night; Book Review #1 due 9/15
MATH- America Math due Friday

* Please keep the reading log in your child's expandable/book bag, so it is easily accessible when I check it each week! Thank you!*

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